Wednesday, March 30, 2011

EcoTower Observation #1 3/25/11

 1. Animals:
     -Worms: The three worms that we put in our ecotower are buried in the soil so we don't know if they are or dead or alive.
     -Crickets: We placed six crickets in at first. During the next day we only spotted four and when we sealed all of them had died.
     -Beta Fish: We only put in one beta fish and it is still alive.
     -Snails: Two snails were placed in our ecotower and they are still living.

2. We think that the fish and snails are alive because they are able to survive off the algae and the oxygen from the water. The crickets and worms are dead because, we believe, the carbon cycle failed. We were unable to see the worms to observe if they were dead or alive.

3. Plants:
      -Bean plants: The three bean plants we planted sprouted up in a week.
      -Algae: Our algae plants were alive before we sealed our ecotower and are still alive.
      -Other plants: We put two other plants in our land area only one survived the other died.

4. We think the bean seeds grew because they were able to grow roots in the soil. The soiled stayed well moist to bring the seeds alive. One of the plants that were giving to us by Mr. Jennings, grew successfully. The other plants died because the roots were unable to grow into the soil. The algae is still alive because it is in the water, providing it with moisture and oxygen.

5. When we sealed our ecotower the water was clear but now after a week it has turned a yellowish tint when you look at it.

6. I didn't expect our fish to survive this long. I thought it would die within a week.
7. On the last day I think our fish will be dead but our plants that are alive and still growing. The water is going to be all dirty looking.

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